About Us

What is GaganChumbi.com?

Every company, business, or Startup is not just its assets and revenue, well behind it is a Story of passion, perseverance, and patience, and we are here to tell you just that.

GaganChumbi.com aims to take you on a journey of entrepreneurship while guiding, training, updating, and most of all motivating you, so the entrepreneurial spark within you rise to make a change. We bring you a load of content related to startups ( primarily Indian startups), funding news, ideas, resources, interviews, startup business models, and many more touching all the aspects of the startup ecosystem.

The GaganChumbi.com team currently works out of Delhi and is now present only in English and wishes to expand into other regional languages soon, like Hindi.

Gaganchumbi.com was founded by Gagan Batra as part of the need to fulfill his desire to make his startup knowledge heard (because his friends and family won’t anymore) and to babble upon the topic of the Startup ecosystem for hours and hours. The only sole purpose of this site is to give young vibrant entrepreneurs to the world, by spreading a positive aura.

Who are we?

GaganChumbi.com is founded by Gagan Batra, who has an Engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Delhi.

He has been deeply studying and analyzing startups, SMEs, and many big players as well for the past 5 years.

He is not just a theorist, but believes in learning by doing, and had had his hands dirty by opening his first venture with his batchmates at the age of 19 while still in college and even went on to raise a seed round of funding for his second venture while still being in the final year of engineering, along with that he knows also has a 3-year experience working in IT Industry.

His first-ever venture was a company that was started by him and his friends while in 2nd year of college made smart electrical devices which he exited shortly after.

His 2nd venture was named Dhaatri, which was a smart band, this was started by him and his friends while being in 4th year of engineering. This venture went on to raise a seed round fund from the Govt of India and NSRCEL | IIM Bangalore (entrepreneurship Cell at IIM Bangalore).as part of India Innovation and -Design Challenge 2016.

And now Gagan Batra is back again with this platform to share his years of knowledge and experience so he along with others could make this a one-stop platform that caters to every person embarking upon a journey of entrepreneurship.

This startup movement is not merely guided by money or name & fame. The purpose is beyond that: PM on start-up entrepreneurs #StartupIndia

PM Narendra Modi

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